Spring Planting

14 May, 2011 Author: gid

Spring overwhelmed us this year. As the ground warmed, nature busied itself: pussy-willows burst forth and the maple bud began to swell; robins, finches, red-winged blackbirds, bluebirds and swallows found their partners and sighted their nests;  muskrats, turtles, snakes and worms woke from dormancy. Meanwhile, we continued the work on the transition: in March, Alex Hackman joined the owners to present a vision for the restoration vision of Beaver Dam Brook to the Manomet Steering Committee. At the MVSC's April meeting, the members voted to support the restoration in concept. In April and May, we went to work planting trial plots:  American Beach grass on "Mars" to counter the continuing erosion caused by the combination of heavy rains and dirt bikers; Atlantic White Cedar on the Eastern edge of the former reservoir; and ferns on the western edge.