The Summer Interns

12 Aug, 2013 Author: B. Green

Hello, my name is Ben Green, one of the interns here at Tidmarsh Farms. I am a rising senior at Belmont Hill School in Belmont MA and have worked at Tidmarsh for about six weeks. I have spent most of my time here researching the soil moisture which can be used to figure out where to plant trees and where groundwater is concentrated. Unlike the other interns, I have not done much field work because I sprained my foot; instead, I do research for various projects around the farm and help many of the researchers and scientists who come to the sight set up their equipment. (B11)

Hi, I’m Eric Van Dam. I like to hobby in film, and I’m entering UNH this fall as a Wildlife and Conservation Biology major. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a video describing the need for restoration here at Tidmarsh. Most of my days have been spent pulling invasive plants, trimming roads, learning new conservation research skills, meeting new people, and shooting video. While this internship can be fairly strenuous at times, I can’t think of a better way to spend my summer.

I'm Henry, a junior at Sacred Heart (recently transferred from Rising Tide) who enjoys video games and textbooks. I like to say that I write code, but you can't really call what I write "code" (or "functional," for that matter). Like Eric, I also spend much of my time clearing invasive species and doing other various odd jobs around the farm. I differ in that instead of making movies, I'm developing the Most Unprofessional Soil Moisture Probe Ever (tm), as well as submitting minor contributions to the firmware of a sensor being developed at MIT, which will be deployed en masse in the fall.