Genetic bio-diversity: a new frontier for Tidmarsh

22 Jun, 2015        Author: administrator

Yesterday we celebrated the summer solstice.  We began the day with a fabulous rain storm; just past noon, we placed some annuals from our nursery in the former impoundment; and in the evening we enjoyed the final hours of the longest day of the year with Professor David Boutt, one of our Living Observatory Scientists.

Today is the day after - a shorter day during which we began communication with our selected contractor and hosted a meeting of Living Observatory principal investigators.  This meeting highlighted work by many students and invited a discussion of the big science questions that drive our exploration and learning about wetland restoration in South Eastern Massachusetts.  As part of this exploration, we celebrate the contributions of Alan Christian, Sean McCanty and Tom Dimino who are raising funding for their PhD work on  While I have highlighted their site earlier this month, today is a special day. For the next 12 hours or so you can create a 2 x 1 match for your contribution.

Join me here and support a critical component of research at Living Observatory. Thanks in advance!