Birding with Darcy and Ryan

21 Sep, 2011 Author: Glorianna Davenport

This past Sunday I went birding for the first time with my friends, Darcy and Ryan. They brought their spotting scope, better binoculars than I have, and their fantastic experience in learning to spot and identify birds in the bush or in flight. Walking, pausing, looking for life in the trees and sky gave me a new appreciation for the property. The pace is so gentle, entirely different from walking to get from here to there. Our walk began at the farm-stand; from there we followed the river, stayed to the west side of the 13 acre, climbed the island, and then followed its eastern edge.We crossed between the 35 acre and the 32 acre, then circled the grassy knoll where we admired a pair of Whimbrel! A beautiful species. A one moment walking toward the dam on the eastern edge of the 14 acre, 3 blue herons took flight. We then followed the eastern edge of the headwater area admiring many goldfinches. Returning home through the woods, a black otter surprised us as he moved himself into the safety of the understory. In all we managed to identify 25 species. Many thanks for the great introduction.