Conservation Commission Hearing

13 Oct, 2011 Author: Glorianna Davenport

On Tuesday, September 27,  we presented our request to the Plymouth Conservation Commissionmake to make the drawdown of the former reservoir (a.k.a. Beaver Dam Pond) permanent. In this effort, we were well represented by Alex Hackman, the restoration specialist from Mass Fish and Wildlife, Division of Ecological Restoration who is coordinating our technical team for engineering design and permitting of the restoration effort. Approximately 22 people, most of whom are abutters, attended the session to listen to proceedings and voice their concerns. Their concerns have been document on video and will help inform our process as we move into engineering-design phase of the restoration. Susan Robinson, a PHD candidate at Georgia Tech, joined us for this meeting and, using a new mobile application, began what will be an on-going study of views about this project. Susan will be posting a synopsis of her findings on this blog later this fall.  We encourage anyone who would like to receive updates, to express their views, or to act as a volunteer on the project to register at our site,, under “contact us” or “volunteer”.